January - June 2024
001 my german B1 class
005 Chris, Willy & Maurita
006 where I live
007 view to the Alps
010 Chris & Selma
012 Claudio, Isabel & Chris
@ On Tap
014 Chris, Claudio & Isabel
@ Barbière
015 Chris & Claudio
@ Barbière
016 Chris & Alain
@ Jura Craft Beer Festival
017 Black Pig Brewery
018 BLZ Brewery
019 Brewing Bears
020 7Peaks Brewery
021 Messe Zürich
022 art3f
024 art3f
025 art3f
026 art3f
027 art3f
028 art3f
029 art3f
030 art3f
031 Chris
032 art3f
033 art3f
035 Hardwald Brewhouse
036 Hardwald Brewhouse
037 Chris & Christian
038 Ruby State
in concert
042 Caroline Alves
in concert
044 Caroline Alves
in concert
046 Caroline Alves
in concert
047 Caroline Alves
in concert
048 Caroline Alves
in concert
049 Caroline Alves
in concert
050 Chris & Caroline
051 Juicy Lemon Club
in concert
052 Juicy Lemon Club
in concert
054 Beer Fair Olten
055 Beer Fair Olten
056 Beer Fair Olten
057 Beer Fair Olten
058 Beer Fair Olten
059 Beer Fair Olten
060 Beer Fair Olten
061 Beer Fair Olten
062 Tic, Tric & Trac buildings
063 Dr.Brauwolf Brewery
064 Dr.Brauwolf Brewery
065 Dr.Brauwolf Brewery
066 Kai & Chris
069 Nastenka in concert
070 Nastenka in concert
072 Chris & Inna
074 Nastenka in concert
078 Naked Soul in concert
079 Whitefrontier Brewery
080 Whitefrontier
10th anniversary
081 soccer time
082 Whitefrontier Brewery
083 Whitefrontier
10th anniversary
086 Morand Distillery
087 City Hall
088 Apothibières
089 Whitefrontier
10th anniversary
091 Whitefrontier
10th anniversary
092 Chamonix
093 Big Mountain taproom
095 Microbrewery Chamonix
096 Chris @ MBC
097 Chris & Rodrigo