Toronto |

001 CN Tower

003 Amsterdam Brewhouse

004 harbourfront

006 CN Tower

008 downtown

009 Hard Rock Cafe Toronto

010 Toronto City Hall

011 Toronto City Hall

013 Old City Hall

014 downtown
Houston |

015 Bank of America

016 Niels Esperson Bldg

018 Wortham Theater

019 Hard Rock Cafe Houston

020 Hard Rock Cafe Houston
San Antonio |

021 lunch stop

022 Emily Morgan Hotel

023 Alamo

024 downtown

026 Hard Rock Cafe
San Antonio

028 Riverwalk

029 Riverwalk

030 nice statue

031 Alamo

032 Alamo Cenotaph

033 raffle winner Paul

034 raffle winner Floyd

035 raffle winner Carmen

036 cheers

037 Floyd, Chris, Virgil
& Carmen

038 George, Chris & Paul

039 Sancho

040 raffle winner Floyd

041 pretty girls

042 Chris & the girls

043 Chris & Jeff

044 Manish & Chris

045 shot collectors

046 Paul, Chris, Trevor & Floyd

047 Trevor, Carmen, Floyd
& Manish

048 Chris, Thomas & Lena

049 Chris
@ Texas Pin Shoot Out

050 taco bar is ready

051 Texas Pin Shoot Out

052 Texas Pin Shoot Out

053 Texas Pin Shoot Out attendees

054 Texas Pin Shoot Out attendees

055 Texas Pin Shoot Out

057 Texas Pin Shoot Out

058 Chris & George

059 David & Chris

060 David, Chris & Virgil

061 Floyd & Jasmine

062 Alamo Brewery

063 Chris

064 cheers

066 Floyd

067 Carmen, George, Paul, Chris, Floyd & Trevor

068 tex-mex dinner
@ Rosario's
New York |

069 Snowden movie ad

071 movie ads

072 Hard Rock Cafe New York

073 Times Square

076 Park Hyatt

077 Yankee Stadium

078 Chris
@ HRC Yankee Stadium

080 Chris
@ HRC Yankee Stadium